Landscaping PPE Safety List

Shanna Cooper
Wed Apr 21, 2021
1 Comment

A lack of PPE is a major problem in the landscaping industry given that the nature of this work can be some of the most dangerous. Exposure to particulate dust/chemical vapor, as well as allergens on a daily basis can harm your health significantly in the long run. Using the right PPE can go a long way towards preventing any danger.

The types of PPE needed depends on what type of application you are doing within landscaping and is imperative when using outdoor power equipment such as lawn mowers, snippers or chainsaws.


Lets run through the top 5 recommended PPE for landscaping:

  1. Ear Muffs or Ear Plugs :: a lot of machinery exceeds the decibels of safe practice. When exposing yourself to high decibel levels for any length of time, you’re opening yourself up to the potential of permanent hearing damage. The Sonis Ear Defenders by JSP Safety provide ample comfort and are designed to protect you up to a level of 37 SNR. (37 exceeds the 31 recommended for all construction, manufacturing and engineering work). Ensuring a proper and comfortable fit will ensure you stay protected without distraction.
  2. Impact Protection :: the risk of debris is high when it comes to outdoor work. Goggles, safety glasses or full face protection is imperative in any situation where fly off debris is common. A full face, ear, and light impact protection product like our Forestry Helmet is the perfect all in one for those working out in the elements. Alternatively, a light impact resistance face shield such as the Bushmaster is perfect to pair with any hearing and eye protection of your choice.
  3. Respiratory :: when working outdoors, you’re susceptible to a variety of particulate or chemical exposure ranging from treated pine to compost or pesticide chemical. A Force 8 ABK1p3 for both particulate and chemical protection, a powered respirator such as the Powercap Active for particulate protection, the CleanAir for water based and particulate protection, or the Infinity range for full chemical protection will allow you to work freely without the fear of respiratory damage. Remember, your lungs can’t be replaced.
  4. Eyewear & Gloves :: Protective eyewear is absolutely crucial as most landscaping applications come with a risk of foreign material coming into contact with the eyes. Our Filterspec and Filterspec Pro both have eye protection alongside N99 respiratory protection. Alternatively, the Powercap provides visor impact protection to keep you safe. When using different machinery, it is key to wear high quality vibration – resistant leather gloves to avoid any potential skin exposure.
  5. Cooling Vest :: working outside in the spring and summer months can mean working in higher temperature conditions. Dehydration and heat fatigue are common side effects that can lead to longer term health issues or even fatality. Wearing a cooling vest while working outdoors will extend your working time while keeping your body temperature down. The Hydracool line is a crucial piece to keeping you safe while landscaping.


The “Hierarchy of Control”, which states that PPE does not control the hazard at the source but should be relied on as the main control measure, is essential for avoiding any risks on site and reducing the likelihood of injury.

Ultimately, the more you understand the importance of PPE, wear it in the appropriate manner and utilize it at all times, the more likely you are to avoid any risks.

Stay safe out there.

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1 Comment

Thank you for your article. The job I worked at for 38 yrs. required PPE because of the high risk factor that the job exposed us to. My employer did not provide proper hearing protection and consequently I lost 50% of my hearing! Your 5 rules for safety are spot on!

Michael R. Chase @ 05/01/21

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